Snowboarder Game

Snow Boarder Game Banner


This project continues my game development journey. It showcases the use of a moving physics based sprite on a sidescrolling platform. The aim is to complete the level without dying (hitting the sprite’s head). A rotation and boost control allows the user to do flips off the slopes.

Technologies Used

The game was made using Unity 2022.3.34f1


  • The premise of the game is to complete the sidescrolling level without dying
  • There is currently no points system or way for the user to compare progress to another player
  • Completion of the level is determined by passing the green flag at the end of the level
  • The user can control the player sprite by rotating him in mid-air as well as boosting his speed while on the ground
  • Higher speeds before a ledge allow for longer air time = more flips (flips could be used towards a point system as a measurable variable in the future)

Development Process

This project is a demo project that showcases my introduction to the fundamentals of Unity. Using an online course explaining the key concepts and supplied assets, I was able to put together this project.

  • The first thing created in the project was the ground sprite and the texture of the snow
  • I then worked on the player sprite, focussing on the movement mechanics and respective colliders. This included a collider for the head which separately allows for the death sequence to propogate.
  • I then created the death process and win process which both caused the scene to restart.
  • For the final touches I added environment sprites as well as particle effects for various scenarios including: win state, death state, touching the snow.

Reflection and Next Steps

Some of the key concepts covered in this project were:

  • Sprite shapes
  • Edge colliders
  • Cinemachine follow camera
  • Scene management
  • Particle Effects
  • Intro to sound effects